Matt Gutteridge

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Jen and Mat - Hampton Court House Wedding

This Hampton Court House wedding is well overdue! Mat and Jen’s wedding was on the hottest day I have ever experienced in the UK. The UK has a strange kind of heat, when it’s really hot it feels hotter than the sun!

I set off directed towards London and arrived feeling hot, and it was only 9am! I met up with all the guys getting ready at the hotel. An amazing amount of guys were crammed into one hot room getting ready. The group seemed to be getting bigger all the time. They eventually got themselves ready and did their best to cool down in the library of the hotel. You’ll see from the images that there was a whole crew of guys and the atmosphere was amazing.

Over at Hampton Court House Jen was peacefully getting ready - taking it really easy. It was quite a contrast.

This wedding was actually one of the most special weddings I have ever photographed. It had all the lovely ingredients of weddings, the love, the joy, the celebrations,. but this one had some elements that really made it quite special. One of the things that really touched me, (and I did get a bit emotional) was the blessing of the rings. Before the rings were exchanged they were sent off arond the room for people to touch and bless. It was such a special moment, I even got involved and blessed them too.

Some weddings have a special feel because of the ones that can’t be there. Mat’s parents had passed some years before, I could feel they were missed by so many, but it was like they were there, blessing the day. It’s not my place to talk too much about this, but it was something very beautiful that I’ll never forget.

The Party.

Occasionally I get to see a nice dance routine that’s been carefully put together at a wedding, It’s always fun. This dance routine took things to another level! All the groomsmen had learned a choreographed dance routine that was about 10 mins long. This was next level stuff that blew everyone away - absolutely incredible.

What an amazing day. Jen and Mat took wedding celebrations to another level and the Sun shone on them as bright and hot as it has ever done in the UK! and did I mention the food?? Some of the best curry’s I’ve ever tasted. That’s it’s own blog post I reckon.

Thanks Mat and Jen for this incredible and unforgettable day!