Clara and John - Devon Wedding Photographer
I loved this wedding. Perfect weather, a stunning venue overlooking the sea and the finest of people. Truth is it was also one of the most emottional weddings I ever been to. Just a few weeks before there was a very unexpected bereavement in the family. They decided to go ahead with the wedding and celebrate which I found amazing to witness and really quite moving. Life does throw some unbeliveably hard curve balls at times and watching this family navigate that was somehting I’ll never forget.
Clara and John got married in Devon, over looking some of the finest scenery you could imagine. The sun was shining, the little church was like something from a postcard, and the reception venue was breathtaking.
One of the highlights of the day was a choreographed first dance that lasted about 5 minutes. I’d never seen anything quite so spectacular for a first dance and I’m not sure John had ever moved like that before! I ithink Clara may have been the inspiration but I’m not totally sure…
We got down to the beach for some shots, and, apparently, the following day they all gathered at that same beach for some paddle boarding and swimming. Quite a perfect one really!
Hope you enjoy these images from this Devon Wedding.